FAQ – Local Requirements



Stormwater Terms

At Stormwater Newcastle we use a variety of phrases and terms that are uncommon to the layperson. The most important to understand are stormwater and WSUD. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) covers the design of buildings, subdivisions, and works to minimise the impact of development on the surrounding environment and waterways. WSUD involves treating and reducing stormwater flows, increasing soil moisture, urban greening, and provision of a supplementary water source.

 Stormwater, or runoff, is rainwater that moves through, and downhill from the area where it falls. In urban or built-up areas, it is usually defined as rain that runs off surfaces that water cannot penetrate, including roofs, driveways, and roads. It is carried away by a series of pipes, called a stormwater drainage network, to natural water bodies such as creeks, rivers and the sea. Click ‘read more’ for a list of common stormwater terms.

Stormwater Sydney Maintenance Mitchell and Paul
OSD Construction
OSD Construction
