About Us

There are many businesses that have ‘values’ words on the wall, including us. But in everything we do, we try to live up to them:

  •     Transparency 
  •     Reliability
  •     Professionalism
  •     Sustainability
  •     Innovation

We find that these values work for our clients and for us, particularly in providing confidence in an increasingly uncertain climate.

Schofields School - construction of stormwater pits

Our Approach

Stormwater Newcastle was founded with goal of providing a simple, highly professional, multi-disciplined, one-stop solutions to stormwater issues, needs and requirements. We’re dedicated to providing a complete and holistic approach to stormwater management. We’re with you every step of the way – through design and construction to repair, maintenance, and certification.


Our founders reasoned that far too many building owners experience issues caused by stormwater and that most struggle to find a solution.

 During the past 25 years, there has been significant improvement in the way waterways are managed, largely driven by Councils and the various environmental authorities, however at the level of individual properties, there is a long way to go. That’s where our 30-years of building and onsite stormwater management services comes in.


Our people are based in Newcastle, Hunter and on the Central Coast. They have spent their entire careers working across water and building industries, enabling them to provide sound, cost effective solutions to your stormwater issues. They include plumbers, builders, landscapers, engineers, admin staff and anyone else we could conceivably need to complete the job on time and on budget.


Stormwater Newcastle regularly advertises for new roles on SEEK and other platforms. We are happy to accept applications for both advertised and other roles via email at careers@stormwaternewcastle.com. Recent roles have included;

– An Office Manager to help us organise our business.

– A Service Manager looking after our facilities and strata stormwater            maintenance.

– A Sales Consultant to talk with our large range of clients across Sydney.



All local government authorities now require the installation and maintenance of stormwater devices in new premises, but the requirements of individual councils differ quite widely, creating a degree of confusion. The requirements of all local Councils can be found on this website.


David Nixon

David Nixon

Founder & Chairman

David has more than 30 years’ experience across multinationals, utilities, councils and small businesses, in roles including director, board advisor, chief executive, chief operating officer, consultant and business advisor. He has a deep knowledge of the Australian and Sydney water management industry.


Paul Milic

Paul Milic

Founder & Managing Director

Paul has 30 years’ experience in multi-dwelling residential and commercial construction in the Sydney market. Paul is a Director of VIP Builders, which has completed numerous multi-dwelling construction on time and on budget, and is known particularly for the high quality of its product.